
2020, The Future

Remember all the stress and anxiety of Y2K… 20, yes twenty, years ago?! Time flys. And the changes that have taken place in my life in those 20 years are remarkable. I’ve lost 250 pounds now, married an awesome woman who made daddy to two incredible little girls, and so many other life changes. What will the next 20 years bring?

Weightloss with Keto

I have always struggled with my weight. I wasn’t huge in high school, but bigger than most. Once I was out of school and working construction, every meal was fast food. I tried various diets, some had momentary success. Fast forward a few years, economy tanked, layed off from my job that kept me active, Toss in a divorce and some depression and I really packed it on. But I’ve finally found a plan that is working well and have a super supportive wife to help me through it. We started following the Ketogenic diet in January of 2017. The weight was falling off very quickly in the beginning. It’s tapered to a more steady burn at this point, but I have lost 220 pounds in the last 20 months. She has lost 65 pounds herself as well. We both feel great and have a lot more energy. For the first time I feel like I’m in control, not the food. And I’m going to be at a normal healthy weight soon.

Pigeon Forge

Took the girls to Pigeon Forge again for a little relaxation. They had a fantastic time. We visited friends and had some fun. The girls even got to get on stage during the Comedy Barn show. Was a nice time with my wife and girls.

It’s still only April, but we’ve been enjoying some outdoor time. Grace just loves to be outside. She loves to swing on the swingset, slide down the slides, run through the grass. Like her daddy, she’d rather be outside than in. Makayla is still not mobile enough to run and play with us, but she has her own swing. Makayla is  11 months old now. I’m sure she will be chasing Grace across the grass by the end of summer. We are all getting excited for our trip to Florida! Excited to see how the girls respond to the beach and ocean. 

The girls and I enjoy laying in the hammock. 

Grace was helping daddy water the grass. 

Grace helping plant some flowers for the patio. 

More hammock time with Grace. 

Wagon rides are always a good time. 

Well, Crystal and I are excited to be welcoming another baby girl to our family. We are still trying to decide on a name. We had a boy name that we had picked back when she was pregnant with Grace. But we had not put a lot of thought into another girl name. It’s a small struggle to come up with something we both like. Crystal prefers some of the newer unique type names, I favor more traditional names. But I’m sure we will find something soon that we both can agree on. Shelby and Logan are excited, although Logan was a bit disappointed that he was still going to be out numbered. We are also going to have to change some bedroom assignments. It would be much easier to have both babies in the same room. One changing table, one baby monitor, an early bedtime for babies would be easier for the older 2 not to wake up if they shared a room. So I see myself building bunk beds soon. Due date is July 18th, 2015. But Grace came 3 weeks early, so time will tell. Excited. 

12803_10204078590302833_1890299315296890246_nHard to believe that Grace is almost a year old now. Boy has this year flown by. I haven’t even made any blog post in the last year.

We had a great year though, watching Grace grow up, took a family vacation to Hilton Head Island. The kids all had a great time. Shelby and Logan both enjoyed the ocean and the beach. That is until the jelly fish came out. Seemed like everyday about 3pm or so they would get worse and make it hard to swim. So we would build sandcastles and stuff instead. Grace was not a big fan of the ocean, she would prefer to just be in the sand. The resort that we stayed at was great. It was beach front so we did not have to drive to get to the beach or water. They had a really large pool to enjoy when the jellyfish were bad. We also did a lot of other things while on the island. We did a dolphin cruise, a pirate cruise, ate at the world famous Salty Dog Cafe, ect. It was the highlight of the summer.

Other than the vacation, the summer was pretty typical. We worked, the kids played, we visited my parents pool frequently.

Thanksgiving was exciting as we announced the news that we are expecting child number 4! It will be fun and scary starting over again with a newborn. We are really excited though and pray that Crystal does not have any of the complications that she had with Grace. So far shes doing better at this point than she was with Grace, so we hope that’s a good sign.

As we come into the Christmas season, I look back on the year and see how much God has blessed us. I have a new/better position in my company, I was able to purchase a new vehicle, Crystal has been given high praise for the work she is doing in her job, the family is growing by one more. Everyone has been in good health. I praise God for the things he provides for us.

I look forward to what God has in store for us in 2015!



Welcome baby Grace Ann Kirkwood!

I’m SO excited to have my little girl. Grace is perfect. She was a little early but everything has tested great! Born at 6:30pm on December 16th a day after my birthday. 5lbs 15oz and 19″ long.

It’s a Girl!

It's a Girl!

So excited to announce that my wife and I are expecting a baby girl! We had a great time with our reveal party. Everyone took a bite into pink filled cupcakes all at once. Was a lot of fun.

I See You!

What a great day it was to get to watch my baby move around. Technology is great. The fact that I can see my little one moving its arms, yawning, even watching as it hiccups and its only 13 weeks old. At just 5.8cm it’s still too small to tell the sex. We are anxious to find out so we can do some better planning. We have the full 25 mins of our first sono on DVD. A keepsake for sure. Above is a pic of baby kicked back with feet propped up, just chillin.

Exciting news!!


My family is growing by one more!!! I’m excited beyond belief. Estimated due date of January 7th. Putting us at 7 weeks right now. Stay tuned for more updates as we can share!